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How to use your own product to help make it more valuable

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Previously, we published a blog about why exceptional startups stay close to their users and how quickly iterating on your product based on user feedback can help you hone in on the most valuable aspects of your product. Well, there's no better way to get intuitive and quick feedback about your product than by using it yourself. At LogicLoop, we are avid users of our own product and its given our team a ton of perspective on user empathy, allowing us to build better features and find new ways to add value. Dogfooding your own product has a ton of benefits such as:

  • Helping you uncover advanced features that superusers are likely to ask for
  • Helping you figure out what areas of your product are difficult to use so you can improve your user experience
  • Helping you find bugs before your users do
  • Helping you iterate faster than competitors because the feedback loops is so quick (you don't have to wait until external users are ready to schedule product feedback calls with you)
  • Providing inspiration for new features and new product lines
  • Also, it's free (for you)

Case study: LogicLoop

We've been using our own product at LogicLoop for over a year now, and multiple product improvements and new features have been inspired by pain points we discovered ourselves. LogicLoop is a SaaS tool that allows you to trigger alerts & automations on top of your database. First, you connect your database or data warehouse. Then, you write a SQL query to specify the collection of data you need. Finally, you trigger some sort of action or alert. Here we'll share some of the ways we use LogicLoop:

User onboarding notifications

Whenever a new user signs up for LogicLoop we will automatically send them an onboarding email welcoming them to the platform and sharing some templates and documentation they will find useful for getting started quickly. We also offer to hop on a call if a user needs extra support.

This automation has helped us increase user engagement and conversion rates and was very easy to set up. As we started using this feature, we realized that it wasn't enough for the emails to just contain plaintext given our need to embed links and branding within the email. LogicLoop emails now support HTML so that companies can fully customize the look and feel of emails sent with LogicLoop.

New user sign ups

Whenever a new user signs up for LogicLoop, we will post a notification to a Slack channel so we have a general pulse on users signing up for the platform. When a user from a large company signs up, we will reach out for a call to see if we can further assist them.

This automation helped us flag opportunities to engage larger accounts, and also helped us build out more templating features with in the Slack notification itself as we wanted to be able to see who signed up and what company they worked for directly in Slack message rather than having to click back into the LogicLoop dashboard every time.

Fighting spam

If users do suspicious activity on the platform, e.g. sign up from the same IP too many times, invite too many other users and if their names don't match their emails, LogicLoop can either alert on Slack or automatically block those user accounts.

This automation helped us not just flag suspicious activity, but nip it in the bud. This provides a safer experience for all other users, and protects us from DDOS attacks.

Systems observability

LogicLoop runs our users SQL queries on a recurring schedule and we have an alert that notifies us if a user's queries are behind. For example, if a user's query is supposed to run every day but it has not run in the past day. This helps our engineering team debug any issues with our scheduling system.

This automation helped us stay on top of delayed queries to provide a better experience for our users. It also helped us build more advanced deduplication features, as our team realized that we didn't want to get alerted multiple times for the same issue, but we did want the issue to re-alert us if it wasn't resolved the next day.

Usage & billing

We also use LogicLoop to calculate customer's usage of our product to charge them the right amount in Stripe based on their usage.

Being able to set these alerts up quickly has allowed our team to move faster and save engineering time. It's also helped us increase our top of funnel metrics and grow our top line. The value that we derive from our own product gives us confidence that we're building something valuable for users as well, and has been a great way for us to quickly iterate on product improvements to deliver more value continuously.

Analytics & dashboards

Finally we use LogicLoop for a variety of analytics and dashboarding use cases in order to keep tabs on platform metrics and user activity trends.


Not all companies can dogfood thier own products since not all companies are building products they themselves can use. We're fortunate enough that LogicLoop is a B2B SaaS with a ton of use cases that would be applicable to any type of startup business that has data, allowing us to take advantage of our own product and contribute to its development. If you have the opportunity to dogfood your own product, it's definitely worth a try! Sign up now if you'd like to give LogicLoop a try.

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