How fraudsters can use artificial intelligence and ChatGPT to scam users

How fraudsters can use artificial intelligence and ChatGPT to scam

The release of Open AI's new ChatGPT product has caught quite the attention of many on the internet. From content creators to artists to fraud fighters to engineers and more, everyone is thinking about how they they can leverage the latest technology to be more productive in their role. Unsurprisingly, artificial intelligence technology has also attracted internet fraudsters like honey to bees. With so many new ways to leverage ChatGPT and image generation software, there are now new creative outlets for fraudsters to exploit. Let's take a look at ways fraudster can use artificial intelligence to perpetrate their scams.

Tricking real users with generated fake messages

One way in which ChatGPT can be used by fraudsters is through the generation of natural language text. For example, ChatGPT can be used to create phishing emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate sources, such as banks or other financial institutions. These messages can be used to trick individuals into providing personal information or transferring money. Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to generate phone scripts, which can be used by fraudsters to impersonate customer service representatives and trick individuals into providing sensitive information. These fake messages can be eerily realistic. Take a look at two examples below.

Example: Fraudsters can use ChatGPT to generate a realistic sounding phishing email tricking employees to download malware
Example: Fraudsters can use ChatGPT to impersonate a platform to convince users to hand over login information

Fake images and videos

Generative AI can also be used by fraudsters to create fake images and videos. This can be used to create fake accounts and identities to sign up for services and conduct questionable activities. Realistic looking photos can trick victims into thinking they are interacting with a real human to exchange goods and services when in reality the person behind the photo is a fraudster.

Example: The photo below is generated by AI and is not a real person

A fraudster could also use generative AI to create a fake video of a CEO or CFO, and then use that video to convince employees or investors to transfer money or valuable information. Fraudsters can even create fake videos of someone giving a speech or giving instructions. A popular example is this Youtube video which shows President Obama giving a fake speech. Additionally, generative AI can be used to create realistic images of products or services that do not exist, which can be used to trick individuals into purchasing non-existent goods or services.

Fake images and videos

AI can also be used to quickly generate large volumes of realistic looking fake data. For example, a fraudster can create a list of fake users with realistic looking names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses. That list of users can then be sold for profit or used to sign up a bunch of fake and malicious accounts on unsuspecting platforms.

Asymmetrical data intelligence

Artificial intelligence, including machine learning and deep learning, can also be used by fraudsters to analyze large amounts of data in order to identify potential victims. For example, AI-powered systems can be used to monitor social media and other online platforms in order to identify individuals who may be more susceptible to scams. Additionally, AI-powered systems can be used to analyze financial transactions in real-time, identifying patterns that can be exploited for fraudulent activity.

What can you do to protect your organization

Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for fraudsters to commit scams. These technologies allow fraudsters to create highly convincing and realistic scams that can be difficult to detect. It's important for individuals and organizations to stay vigilant and protect themselves against potential threats, such as phishing emails and messages, fake images and videos, and AI-powered scams. Organizations can take various steps to protect themselves from these types of scams.

Ongoing monitoring

Organizations can make sure they have the proper ongoing monitoring checks in place. They can set up internal alerts for significant behaviors like large money movements and payment imbalances. That way, when something suspicious is happening, agents will be immediately notified. With a tool like LogicLoop, operators can quickly set up custom fraud monitoring alerts on top of any company-specific data without needing engineers and stay on top of fraud as soon as it happens.

Education & training

Another way organizations can protect themselves is through employee education and training. Employees should be trained to recognize the signs of a potential scam, such as phishing emails or messages, and should be taught how to properly handle sensitive information. Additionally, employees should be made aware of the potential use of AI and natural language generation in scams, so they can be on the lookout for suspicious activities.

Company security

Another way organizations can protect themselves is by implementing strict security protocols. This includes using restricted networks and devices, as well as using multi-factor authentication to protect sensitive information. Additionally, organizations should regularly monitor their networks and systems for suspicious activity, such as unauthorized access or abnormal data transfers.

Fight AI with AI

Organizations can also use AI-based tools to detect and prevent fraud. For example, machine learning algorithms can be trained to detect patterns of fraud in financial transactions, and can be used to flag suspicious activities for further investigation. Additionally, organizations can use AI-based tools to analyze social media and other online platforms to identify potential victims and perpetrators of scams.

Stay up to date with the latest news

Finally, organizations should also stay up-to-date on the latest fraud trends and scams. When a hacker finds a new exploit, they’ll typically use that same exploit at multiple companies until the strategy is exhausted. By staying connected with other professionals in the industry, fraud fighters can hear about the latest exploits early to give their teams a heads-up to prepare the proper security protocols to combat it. If you’d like to join a community of 500+ fraud & risk leaders, check out LogicLoop’s Trust Operators group.

There is no panacea against fraud, but by taking these steps, organizations can reduce their risk of falling victim to these types of scams. If you'd like to learn more about how to equip your platform with robust tooling and empower fraud fighters to quickly set up custom fraud monitoring alerts without needing engineers, feel free to book a demo with LogicLoop today.

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