Alerts and monitoring for queries on Tableau data

Alerts and monitoring for queries on Tableau data

Set up alerts on top of Tableau in less than 15 minutes

Setting up alerts on top of your Tableau dashboards by writing SQL queries is easy with LogicLoop. You can automatically run your alerts every minute, every hour, every day, every week, and everything in between. LogicLoop's collaborate UI dashboard is intuitive and any business analyst who knows SQL can set up an alert quickly without needing an engineer.

Step 1: connect your data source

The first step is to connect your data source. We support Google Sheets, databases like Postgres, MySQL, AWS RDS, or a data warehouse like Snowflake, Redshift, Big Query, or you can even grab data from APIs like Stripe, Slack, and Twilio. All you have to do is to go under the data sources tab in your LogicLoop dashboard and enter your database credentials.

Step 2: write your SQL query

The next step is to write your SQL query. You can go into your LogicLoop dashboard and add a new rule. Select your data source and you will see the relevant tables and columns you can query. The SQL query can be written to capture the logic you need to express what you want to alert on. Run your SQL query and you will see the results show up on the bottom. You can even use our AI Query Helper to write SQL automatically from natural language text.

Step 3: trigger your alert

Next, you can have your SQL query trigger an action, like a Slack or email alert. You can set up your alert to trigger once per row returned, or once on the entire result set. You can also turn on deduplication if you do not want to re-alert on an item you've flagged before. LogicLoop is very flexible and you can pipe your alert into any number of services such as PagerDuty, JIRA, or a ticketing system via a webhook call to whatever downstream service you want to set up. You can transform and inject the data from your SQL query into your downstream service so it has the information it needs to take the next step. LogicLoop also records the history of all actions taken on the platform so you can see a log of every time the SQL query ran and took an action.

Here's an example of what a LogicLoop alert could look like on Slack.

Setting up alerts on top of your database using SQL dead simple with LogicLoop. Get started today in just 15 minutes!

Use cases

There are plenty of reasons you may be interested in setting up a SQL alert based on your data. Some of the most popular use cases include:

  • Flagging a transaction for fraud e.g. select all payments > $10,000 and create an alert for manual review
  • Alert on improper data e.g. select all rows from a table where a column that should not be NULL is NULL
  • Alert on operational needs e.g. select all inventory whose total count is low in order to order more units
  • Maintain systems observability e.g. alert if a service is down for more than 5 minutes
  • Set up an onboarding workflow e.g. select all new users who have not yet activated on your platform and send them a reminder alert

Click here to view pre-built alerting templates gathered from top companies in the industry.

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